Any of this sound familiar?
~ I know I'm a positive person, but I feel exhausted.
~ It's getting hard to fake "happy" anymore
~ I KNOW all the things I should be doing...I've read all the books, watched all the Super Soul Sunday...I just can't seem to get it to stick.
~ I don't even know what I want anymore...but it's better than this.
I get it. I hear you. I WAS you.
And one day I started doing things differently. I started changing one small habit at a time until I had completely re-engineered every part of my life. I was healthier and fitter. My marriage improved dramatically. I had more patience.
My entire life felt better.
And now it's your turn.
I took the key habits that really made the biggest difference in my transformation and I break them down into easily understandable bite-sized nugget sized lessons. I have a knack for making complicated things that's what I've done for you in this course.
It is absolutely possible to change your life but first you've got to rewire your thoughts and habits which is as simple as daily practice, accountability and accessibility, all of which ReWire offers.
Ready ready ready to make your entire life feel better?
Yep! I believe in you! Let's go!
Your Instructor
Hey! I'm Kristen and here's why I do what I do: I believe life is meant to be fully lived, not muddled through. I love to take really complicated subjects and make them super simple. I believe in God and Jesus and Buddha and astrology and Mercury Retrograde and magic. I believe there are a million ways to do almost anything. I'm obsessed with teaching women how to be more confident and bold and authentic, because life's too short! My husband is the world's BEST public speaker and writer (fact) and my kids are freaking hilarious. I love watching football, reading, and Netflix (not necessarily in that order).